Counselor Information/Información sobre la consejera
Ms. Bermejo
Hours/ horario 8:45am-4:00pm
Phone/ telefono 773-534-1998
E-mail [email protected]
Hello Students and Families!
Welcome to the school counselor's page! Here you will find announcements as well as important information that will help you have a better high school experience. If at any time you need to talk to me please send me an e-mail or call to schedule an appointment. Let's have an awesome school year!
Hola Estudiantes y Familias!
Bienvenidos a la página de la consejera! Aquí encontrarán anuncios y información importante que le ayudarán a tener una mejor experiencia en la escuela secundaria. Si en algún momento necesitan hablar conmigo, por favor envíame un e-mail o llama por telefono para hacer una cita. Vamos a tener un año escolar maravilloso!
Financial Aid Links
Start or Continue with a FAFSA Application
Hours/ horario 8:45am-4:00pm
Phone/ telefono 773-534-1998
E-mail [email protected]
Hello Students and Families!
Welcome to the school counselor's page! Here you will find announcements as well as important information that will help you have a better high school experience. If at any time you need to talk to me please send me an e-mail or call to schedule an appointment. Let's have an awesome school year!
Hola Estudiantes y Familias!
Bienvenidos a la página de la consejera! Aquí encontrarán anuncios y información importante que le ayudarán a tener una mejor experiencia en la escuela secundaria. Si en algún momento necesitan hablar conmigo, por favor envíame un e-mail o llama por telefono para hacer una cita. Vamos a tener un año escolar maravilloso!
Financial Aid Links
Start or Continue with a FAFSA Application
School Counseling Mission Statement
The school counseling program assists all students with the realization of potential through a structured and concrete curriculum guided by student achievement indicators. This curriculum of personal/social, academic, and career guidance is delivered in large groups, small groups, and individually to all students. It is the department's vision that barriers to quality education and full potential will be significantly diminished, for all students, after being exposed to the curriculum.
Social/Emotional Support
Counselors provide brief mental health counseling for personal or social issues and can provide referrals for long-term treatment through our community agencies and school-based counseling partners. Please see Ms. Bermejo or any of the Behavioral Health Team members (Ms. Hamblin, Ms. VP, Ms. Rocque and Ms. Munoz) for further support.
Community Links Program Partners:
The school counseling program assists all students with the realization of potential through a structured and concrete curriculum guided by student achievement indicators. This curriculum of personal/social, academic, and career guidance is delivered in large groups, small groups, and individually to all students. It is the department's vision that barriers to quality education and full potential will be significantly diminished, for all students, after being exposed to the curriculum.
Social/Emotional Support
Counselors provide brief mental health counseling for personal or social issues and can provide referrals for long-term treatment through our community agencies and school-based counseling partners. Please see Ms. Bermejo or any of the Behavioral Health Team members (Ms. Hamblin, Ms. VP, Ms. Rocque and Ms. Munoz) for further support.
Community Links Program Partners:
SEL Supports & Counseling:
Enlace: Tuesdays & Wednesdays 1pm-4pm
Girl Talk! Mondays 4:00pm-5:30pm, Room 204
Peer Health Exchange: Workshops are held on Wednesdays 9:30am-10:30am (1st year students).
Between Friends: Dating Violence Workshops throughout the year.
Enlace: Tuesdays & Wednesdays 1pm-4pm
Girl Talk! Mondays 4:00pm-5:30pm, Room 204
Peer Health Exchange: Workshops are held on Wednesdays 9:30am-10:30am (1st year students).
Between Friends: Dating Violence Workshops throughout the year.